4 Powerful Harami Candlestick Trading Strategies

4 Powerful Harami Candlestick Trading Strategies

This is why traders use additional technical tools like RSI (Relative Strength Index) and MACD (Moving Average Convergence Divergence) for...

What is Slippage and How Do You Avoid it in Trading?

What is Slippage and How Do You Avoid it in Trading?

There are various ways you could potentially minimise the effects of slippage when trading. We introduce people to the world...

What is Reddit? A quick look at the popular online community

What is Reddit? A quick look at the popular online community

You’ll find the up and down arrows next to every comment beneath a post. Brigading is done when a group...

What Is Fiat Money, and How Does it Differ from Cryptocurrency?

What Is Fiat Money, and How Does it Differ from Cryptocurrency?

That fixed price was used to determine the value of the currency. So if Britain set the price of gold at £500...

PZU wypłaci dywidendę  Walne zgromadzenie zdecydowało o jej wysokości

PZU wypłaci dywidendę Walne zgromadzenie zdecydowało o jej wysokości

PZU jest spółką dywidendową o bardzo długiej historii wypłat, sięgającej 2010 r. W poprzednim roku do inwestorów trafiła rekordowa dywidenda,...